Module Contents =============== .. module:: unittest_expander The module :mod:`unittest_expander`'s public interface consists of the following functions, classes and constants. (See: :doc:`narrative_documentation` -- for a much richer description of most of them, including a lot of usage examples...) The :func:`expand` class decorator ---------------------------------- .. decorator:: expand *or* .. decorator:: expand(*, into=globals()) .. deprecated:: 0.4.0 The *into* argument will become *illegal* in the version *0.5.0*. ——— This decorator is intended to be applied to *test classes*: doing that causes that test parameters -- previously attached to related test methods (and/or classes) by decorating them with :func:`foreach` -- are "expanded", that is, actual parametrized versions of those methods (and/or classes) are generated. The public interface provided by :func:`expand` includes also the following attributes (making it possible to :ref:`customize how names of parametrized test methods and classes are generated `): .. attribute:: expand.global_name_pattern .. attribute:: expand.global_name_formatter The :func:`foreach` method/class decorator ------------------------------------------ .. decorator:: foreach(param_collection) *param_collection* must be a parameter collection -- that is, one of: * a :class:`paramseq` instance, * a *sequence* **not being** a *text string* (in other words, such an object for whom ``isinstance(obj, and not isinstance(obj, str)`` returns :obj:`True` in Python 3) -- for example, a :class:`list`, * a *mapping* (i.e., such an object that ``isinstance(obj,`` returns :obj:`True` in Python 3) -- for example, a :class:`dict`, * a *set* (i.e., such an object that ``isinstance(obj,`` returns :obj:`True` in Python 3) -- for example, a :class:`set` or :class:`frozenset`, * a *callable* (i.e., such an object that ``callable(obj)`` returns :obj:`True`) which is supposed: to accept one positional argument (the *test class*) or no arguments at all, and to return an *iterable* object (i.e., an object that could be used as a ``for`` loop's subject, able to yield consecutive items) -- for example, a :term:`generator`. Any valid parameter collection will be, under the hood, automatically coerced to a :class:`paramseq`. .. deprecated:: 0.4.0 A parameter collection given as a tuple (i.e., an instance of the built-in type :class:`tuple` or of a subclass of it, e.g., a *named tuple*) will become *illegal* in the version *0.5.0* (note that this deprecation concerns tuples used as *parameter collections* themselves, *not* as *items* of parameter collections; the latter are -- and will be -- perfectly OK). As a parameter collection, instead of a tuple, use another type (e.g., a :class:`list`). .. deprecated:: 0.4.3 A parameter collection given as an instance of the Python 3 built-in type :class:`bytes` or :class:`bytearray` (or of a subclass thereof) will become *illegal* in the version *0.5.0*. Each *item* of a parameter collection is supposed to be: * a :class:`param` instance, * a :class:`tuple` (converted automatically to a :class:`param` which contains parameter values being the items of that tuple), * any other object (converted automatically to a :class:`param` which contains only one parameter value: that object). *or* .. decorator:: foreach(*param_collection_items, **param_collection_labeled_items) The total number of given arguments (positional and/or keyword ones) must be greater than 1. Each argument will be treated as a parameter collection's *item* (see above); for each keyword argument (if any), its name will be used to :meth:`~param.label` the *item* it refers to. ——— This decorator is intended to be applied to test *methods* and/or test *classes* -- to attach to those methods (or classes) the test parameters from the specified parameter collection (only then it is possible to generate, by using :func:`expand`, actual parametrized methods and/or classes...). .. deprecated:: 0.4.0 Support for decorating test *classes* with :func:`foreach` will be *removed* in the version *0.5.0*. The :class:`paramseq` class --------------------------- .. class:: paramseq(param_collection) *param_collection* must be a parameter collection -- that is, one of: * a :class:`paramseq` instance, * a *sequence* **not being** a *text string* (in other words, such an object for whom ``isinstance(obj, and not isinstance(obj, str)`` returns :obj:`True` in Python 3) -- for example, a :class:`list`, * a *mapping* (i.e., such an object that ``isinstance(obj,`` returns :obj:`True` in Python 3) -- for example, a :class:`dict`, * a *set* (i.e., such an object that ``isinstance(obj,`` returns :obj:`True` in Python 3) -- for example, a :class:`set` or :class:`frozenset`, * a *callable* (i.e., such an object that ``callable(obj)`` returns :obj:`True`) which is supposed: to accept one positional argument (the *test class*) or no arguments at all, and to return an *iterable* object (i.e., an object that could be used as a ``for`` loop's subject, able to yield consecutive items) -- for example, a :term:`generator`. .. deprecated:: 0.4.0 A parameter collection given as a tuple (i.e., an instance of the built-in type :class:`tuple` or of a subclass of it, e.g., a *named tuple*) will become *illegal* in the version *0.5.0* (note that this deprecation concerns tuples used as *parameter collections* themselves, *not* as *items* of parameter collections; the latter are -- and will be -- perfectly OK). As a parameter collection, instead of a tuple, use another type (e.g., a :class:`list`). .. deprecated:: 0.4.3 A parameter collection given as an instance of the Python 3 built-in type :class:`bytes` or :class:`bytearray` (or of a subclass thereof) will become *illegal* in the version *0.5.0*. Each *item* of a parameter collection is supposed to be: * a :class:`param` instance, * a :class:`tuple` (converted automatically to a :class:`param` which contains parameter values being the items of that tuple), * any other object (converted automatically to a :class:`param` which contains only one parameter value: that object). *or* .. class:: paramseq(*param_collection_items, **param_collection_labeled_items) The total number of given arguments (positional and/or keyword ones) must be greater than 1. Each argument will be treated as a parameter collection's *item* (see above); for each keyword argument (if any), its name will be used to :meth:`~param.label` the *item* it refers to. ——— A :class:`paramseq` instance is the canonical form of a parameter collection -- whose items are :class:`param` instances. The public interface provided by this class includes the following instance methods: .. method:: __add__(param_collection) Returns a new :class:`paramseq` instance -- being a result of concatenation of the current :class:`paramseq` instance and given *param_collection* (see the description of the :class:`paramseq` constructor's argument *param_collection*...). .. deprecated:: 0.4.0 *param_collection* being a tuple will become *illegal* in the version *0.5.0*. .. deprecated:: 0.4.3 *param_collection* being a Python 3 :class:`bytes` or :class:`bytearray` will become *illegal* in the version *0.5.0*. .. method:: __radd__(param_collection) Returns a new :class:`paramseq` instance -- being a result of concatenation of given *param_collection* (see the description of the :class:`paramseq` constructor's argument *param_collection*...) and the current :class:`paramseq` instance. .. deprecated:: 0.4.0 *param_collection* being a tuple will become *illegal* in the version *0.5.0*. .. deprecated:: 0.4.3 *param_collection* being a Python 3 :class:`bytes` or :class:`bytearray` will become *illegal* in the version *0.5.0*. .. method:: context(context_manager_factory, \ *its_args, **its_kwargs, \ _enable_exc_suppress_=False) Returns a new :class:`paramseq` instance contaning clones of the items of the current instance -- each cloned with a :meth:`param.context` call (see below), to which all given arguments are passed. The :class:`param` class ------------------------ .. class:: param(*args, **kwargs) *args* and *kwargs* specify actual (positional and keyword) arguments to be passed to test method call(s). ——— A :class:`param` instance is the canonical form of a parameter collection's *item*. It represents a single :ref:`combination of test parameter values `. The public interface provided by this class includes the following instance methods: .. method:: context(context_manager_factory, \ *its_args, **its_kwargs, \ _enable_exc_suppress_=False) Returns a new :class:`param` instance being a clone of the current instance, with the specified context manager factory (and its arguments) attached. By default, the possibility to suppress exceptions by returning a *true* value from context manager's :meth:`__exit__` is :ref:`disabled ` (exceptions are propagated even if :meth:`__exit__` returns :obj:`True`); to enable this possibility you need to set the *_enable_exc_suppress_* keyword argument to :obj:`True`. .. method:: label(text) Returns a new :class:`param` instance being a clone of the current instance, with the specified textual label attached. Non-essential constants and classes ----------------------------------- The :data:`__version__` constant ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. data:: __version__ The version of :mod:`unittest_expander` as a :pep:`440`-compliant identifier (being a :class:`str`). The :class:`Substitute` class ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. class:: Substitute(actual_object) *actual_object* is the object :ref:`to be proxied ` (typically, it is a test method or test class, previously decorated with :func:`foreach`). ——— Apart from exposing in a transparent way nearly all attributes of the proxied object, the public interface provided by this class includes the following instance attribute: .. attribute:: actual_object The proxied object itself (unwrapped). :class:`Substitute` instances are *not* callable.